27 min read

Hours of work

Last updated July 2024

This chapter explains your obligations to pay your employees for the hours they work and the maximum hours you can require employees to perform work for you.

Your obligations in relation to working hours

When an employee performs work for you, you will have obligations to:

  • pay the employee for the time that you request or require them to work;
  • ensure that you do not request or require the employee to work more than their maximum weekly hours in a week, unless the additional hours are reasonable; and
  • keep records of the hours your employees work when required.
Important: The number and timing of the hours your employee works is important when determining some entitlements, such as meal breaks, penalties, overtime and leave.

Paying employees for the hours they work

If you request or require your employee to perform work over a particular period, you must pay them for those hours if they work them.
